Cucumber With Ruby & Capybara
Feature File: Feature: Automate Flipkart website Scenario: Login for Flipkart Given I open browser and navigate to flipkart website Then I click on login Link Then I enter Email Id Then I enter Password Then I click on Login Button Then I mouse over the user Then I click on Logout Step Definition File Given(/^I open browser and navigate to flipkart website$/) do visit '' end Then(/^I click on login Link$/) do find(:xpath, "//a[@href='']").click end Then(/^I enter Email Id$/) do fill_in 'login_email_id', :with => '' end Then(/^I enter Password$/) do fill_in 'login_password', :with => 'password' end Then(/^I click on Login Button$/) do click_button 'Login' sleep(10) end Then(/^I mouse over the user$/) do element...