
Showing posts from 2014

Cucumber and Capybara , How to Submit a Form Without a Button

Sometimes We run into  a problem where we need to submit a form after entering data but there is no specific button or link available on which we can perform operation to submit the I am going to suggest few solutions today for these situations in few different ways so that any one can use the solution depending on his specific situation. Where we can hit "Enter" to submit the form: We can access the selenium send_keys method to invoke a return event like  find_field('field2').native.send_key(:enter)   Using  java script:  When /^I submit the form$/ do   page.evaluate_script("document.forms[0].submit()") end   Without Using java Script:      we can handle this directly using Racktest(Capybara's default driver)   When /^I submit the "([^\"]*)" form$/ do |form_id|     element = find_by_id(form_id), element.native).submit :name ...

How to Use Object Repository in Xml format In Selenium Webdriver

You can use XML as object repository like    And you can use the code for retrieve the objects from xml below is the code:   A nd you can use as WebDriver d = new FirefoxDriver(); d.get(objRepository(url)); d.findelement("test"); d.findelement(;

How to Re-run Failed Scenarios in Cucumber

Usually we require to rerun the failed test cases again once they are fixed or for double verification.In cucumber we can do that easily without developing any customize code for it. Cucumber directly supports the feature to re- run the failed test cases as following: Run Cucumber with rerun formatter simply using :   cucumber -f rerun --out rerun.txt It will output locations of all failed scenarios to the file. Then you can rerun them by using cucumber @rerun.txt This can be further bundled as a rake task and can be run simply as : require 'cucumber' require 'cucumber/rake/task' jenkins_with_rerun ) do |t|   cucumber -f rerun --out rerun.txt   cucumber @rerun.txt end task :default => : jenkins_with_rerun  And then can be run as simply "rake" inside the project folder:   C:/>ProjectFolder>rake

How to reuse steps in Cucumber

While working in cucumber many times we find that some piece of code is redundant across multiple step definitions.To make this work a simple solution is callling a step from another step like: Given /^ I login successfully$ / step "I login with valid credentials" end But this approach is problematic from debugging perspective as in case of we need to debug the scripts as it will lead to only first level of step calling which will not be helpful for issues resolution. Somewhat better way to achieve re usability,robustness and clarity is to simply fall back on language basic primitives -methods.We may encapsulate these small defs inside a module and extract it to " World " and call the method directly from where ever required as below: #/support/world_extensions.rb module KnowsUser def login visit ( '/login' ) fill_in ( 'User name' , with : user . name ) fill_in ( 'Password' , with : user . passw...

How to Uncheck All checkboxes Using Cucumber/Capybara

Sometimes while automating we need to have  all checkboxes unchecked as a precondition or baseline state in a given page.We can do that in Cucumber/Capybara using following code: all ( 'input[type=checkbox]' ). each do | checkbox | if checkbox . checked ? then checkbox . click end end Similar logic can be developed for other types of objects if required or better object type and locator detail can be passed as parameters to achieve higher level of abstraction which will work for any type of objects.

Handling Dialog Boxes Using Cucumber

Today I will share the code to handle dialog boxes using Cucumber . Assuming that you are using cucumber with capybara ,following code can be used: When /^ I confirm popup$ / do page . driver . browser . switch_to . alert . accept end When /^ I dismiss popup$ / do page . driver . browser . switch_to . alert . dismiss end Using the above generic code ,popups can be accepted or rejected as required. It utilizes the selenium webdriver API to handle that as capybara is simply calling the Selenium API. This can be handled directly using selenium webdriver as below: require "selenium-webdriver" driver = Selenium :: WebDriver . for : firefox driver . navigate . to "" driver . find_element (: name , 'element_with_alert_javascript' ). click a = driver . switch_to . alert if a . text == 'A value you are looking for'   a . dismiss else   a . accept end

Controlling Cucumber Tests By Driver Script

I will Show you how to  filter and run the cucumber tests by using the master driver script.We will use the following components for this as below: 1).YML based Configuration File ************************************************************** env_1:   Priority : p1 ############## ApplicationData:       ResultsPath : "D:\\TestProject\\Results"       FeaturesFolderPath : "D:\\TestProject"       ResultFormat : "html" *********************************************************************** This file will help us in providing the following info: a).Tag Filter "p1" by which we can execute only high priority test scenarios. b).Results Path Folder c).Features folder path d).Desired Result Format 2).Master Driver Script(Driver.rb) ******************************************************************************** #Importing the required libraries require 'yaml' require 'FileUtils' #R...

Selenium Webdriver With Python

Basic Example import unittest from selenium import webdriver class Login ( unittest . TestCase ): def setUp ( self ): self . driver = webdriver . Firefox () def tearDown ( self ): self . driver . quit () def test_login ( self ): driver = self . driver driver . get ( 'http://testurl' ) username = driver . find_element_by_name ( 'user_id' ) username . send_keys ( 'admin' )     Selecting element from drop down list el = driver.find_element_by_id( 'id_line' ) for option in el.find_elements_by_tag_name( 'option' ):      if option.text = = "line to select" :          break Verifying Table Values #Importing selenium webdriver library  from selenium import webdriver #Creating an driver instance of Firefox browser driver = web...

Test Automation with Cucumber & Capybara

We will introduce today Capybara an higher level ATDD testing framework which support for multiple backends, supports Selenium and works in multiple browsers. The advantage of using Capybara over selenium is being on higher level than selenium , it can be used for other types of automation beside browser automation without changing the user facing simple and intuitive DSL. Let’s take for example a simple scenario of typing strings to an input textbox: Selenium-webdriver snippet require 'selenium-webdriver' element = driver.find_element :name => "q" element.send_keys "Cucumber tests" Capybara snippet require 'capybara' fill_in "q" , "Cucumber tests" The difference is clear in terms of simplicity and user friendliness which sets apart capaybara from selenium webdriver.Below is complete example for the reference starting from setting up the folder structure. I. Base Folder ...

Cucumber Basics Tutorial

In every cucumber project , first of all there should be root folder which will be a placeholder for all the cucumber files. For every cucumber project there is a single directory at the root of the project named " features ". This is where all of your cucumber features will reside. In this directory you will find additional directories, which is step_definition and support directories What is "Feature File"? Feature File consist of following components - Feature : A feature would describe the current test script which has to be executed. Scenario : Scenario describes the steps and expected outcome for a particular test case. Scenario Outline : Same scenario can be executed for multiple sets of data using scenario outline. The data is provided by a tabular structure separated by (I I). Given : It specifies the context of the text to be executed. By using datatables "Given", step can also be parameterized. When : "When" specif...

How to Setup Cucumber with Ruby

                                                       1. Ruby 1.9.3 Download and install the following version in separate root directory.   Last Stable Version: Ruby 1.9.3-p545: Verification:   C:\Ruby193:> ruby –v In case of successful installation, it will show the installed version of the ruby on the system as below: 2. Ruby Dev Kit Download & Installation For Windows 7 -64 Bit Steps To configure RDK After Download: 1.:>ruby dk.rb init 2.:>ruby dk.rb install Verification: ...

Best Test Management Tool

  Is there such thing as single best test management tool?                                                                                        “Quality is free, but only to those who are willing to pay heavily for it.” – T. DeMarco What is the best test management tool?   The right answer is it depends. As with everything in life there is no black or white answer to it as it depends on number of factors. First of all what is Test management??? Test Management encompasses anything and everything that we do as testers.   Our ...